Friday, July 16, 2010

Libertarians & Conservative Republicans: United We Stand

I read this interesting (albeit verbose) article debating the merits of Libertarians uniting with "mainstream" Republicans.

Philosophically, I identify strongly with Libertarian principles. I first voted for Ron Paul in 1988. But I also maintain a so-called "Christian Conservative" bent in favor of a traditional definition of marriage; that the right to life is the preeminent right and that abortion is a blight on our society; that drug abuse is not victimless and therefore can legitimately be subject to appropriate limits and controls by the consent of the governed; and that in the spirit of the Founders, religious expression has a positive, if not necessary place in the public square. It saddens me that people who fundamentally agree on the big issues i.e. fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, limited government, states rights, etc. would be thwarted in their purpose by petty divisiveness and intellectual snobbery. Here's my response to the Article by Brink Lindsey:

"Oh boy! Sadly, this Libertarian's view carries the same condescending elitest stench that is characteristic of so many of the self-proclaimed "intellectuals" on the extreme left. Having "done the Libertarian thing," myself, some 30+ years ago and reading some of this article today, it's easy to see why the L party has gone nowhere since then. Success in returning the country to a free enterprise, capitalist, secular republic with a limited federal government will only happen when subsets on the right learn to work together.

Like it or not this is a two party country. From a pragmatic standpoint, that's not going to change anytime soon. Diminishing so-called Populist Conservativism by denegrating those who feel strongly about moral social values ALONG WITH libertarian socio-economic and Constitutional principles will only consign both to a permanent seat in the bleachers while progressives reform America into just another Euro-styled socialist state. Now is the time to unite in defense of the principles and policies upon which we can agree. Not to engage in intellectual snobbery and petty name calling. Lindsey may have some legitimate points, but his divided approach is disastrous both for Libertarians and mainstream Conservatives."